Gigabit Wi-Fi Powered by Intel
With the right solution from Intel, your Wi-Fi performs just as remarkably as you do—easily keeping pace with your entertainment, business, and super-connected lifestyle. For instance, a PC equipped with Gigabit Wi-Fi achieves speeds up to 1733Mbps.1 That’s nearly twice as fast as 802.11ac 2x2 with speeds of 867Mbps, allowing you to download an HD movie in less than a minute.1 2 3 At Intel, we’ve been creating technology to improve life at home, work, and on-the-go since the very beginning. Innovation is what we do.
Wi-Fi That Smashes Through the Gigabit Barrier
Experience faster Wi-Fi with Intel® Wireless-AC 2X2 160 MHz (1733 Mbps) inside your devices, featuring smooth gaming and 4K UHD video streaming, faster file transfers and backups, and two antennas for reliable connections throughout your home.1
Game at the Next Level with Gigabit Wi-Fi
Faster Gigabit1 Wi-Fi and the speed, intelligence, and control of the Killer* Wireless-AC 1550 offer a competitive edge for gaming experiences. Killer Networking products are the perfect combination of Killer’s award-winning technology and the power and performance of the latest Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 & 9560 (2x2 AC/160) cards.
Intel and Xfinity* Deliver Gig Speed Wi-Fi to Your Home
Stop wasting time with slow wireless internet. Intel and Xfinity* have teamed up to bring you a reliable, high-performance Gigabit Wi-Fi experience for your super-connected lifestyle. Through extensive interoperability and performance testing,4 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor-based PCs featuring Gigabit Wi-Fi can now maximize the wireless benefits of Xfinity* Gig internet services.
Tested and Validated Like No Other
We don’t just create extremely fast, reliable wireless technology- we also create the processors and PC platforms where the technology runs. That means Intel® products work better together – because we can design, optimize, and test the entire platform to ensure our Wi-Fi operates best on Intel platforms. Additionally we test our products against a complete ecosystem of hotspots and networks closely approximating real-life situations. And that’s a huge advantage we bring to anyone looking for an amazing PC experience.
Always on the Leading Edge
Innovation is in our DNA. In 2003, the release of Intel® Centrino® wireless technology expanded wireless access to laptops, coffee shops, and couches. Today’s Intel® Wireless-AC 160 MHz products with Gigabit Wi-Fi deliver amazing wireless speeds and reliability.
Gigabit Wi-Fi & Bluetooth® Technology
If your PC has super-fast Intel® Wireless-AC 160 MHz Gigabit Wi-Fi inside, that means it also has the latest Bluetooth® technology. These technologies are integrated on the same wireless adapter, optimized, and ready to make your experience even smooth and more enjoyable. Together, they allow your PC to experience dramatically faster Wi-Fi speeds1 and enable reliable wireless connectivity for keyboards, mice, headphones, and speakers.
Not All Wi-Fi Is the Same
There are huge performance and reliability differences among PC Wi-Fi solutions. The ability to consistently move large quantities of data from HD movies, high-resolution photos, and music play-lists at blazing speeds is essential for an excellent Wi-Fi experience. Standard Intel® Wireless-AC 2x2 products deliver nearly 6X faster data speeds5 compared to basic 1x1 BGN Wi-Fi solutions. Gigabit Wi-Fi speeds from Intel® Wireless-AC 2x2 160 MHz cards elevate the PC wireless experience to the next level with 2X faster performance than standard Intel® Wireless-AC products.1
Wi-Fi Benefits for the Desktop
Your PC is no longer locked in place next to a modem or ethernet port. With the benefits of Intel® Wireless-AC, desktops, mini PCs, and All-in-One (AIO) PCs can be placed in any convenient area of the home or office without the hassles and potential costs associated with cumbersome cables. Experience fast wireless download speeds and great streaming experiences on desktop PCs equipped with new Gigabit Wi-Fi powered by Intel.
Wi-Fi Resources
Introducing Intel® Wireless-AC 2x2 160 MHz
Experience Gigabit Wi-Fi connectivity without the wires; introducing Intel® Wireless-AC 2x2 160 MHz for accelerated gaming, downloading, file sharing, HD and 4K video streaming, video conferencing, multitasking, and wireless performance.
Find Out If Your Next PC Has Intel® Wireless-AC
Follow three simple steps to see if a PC has Intel® Wireless-AC 2x2 inside.
802.11AC Wi-Fi for Dummies
Get Wi-Fi smart by reading this free practical guide and learning how to get the very most out of the latest, fastest Wi-Fi technology.
Product Information and Support
Have questions? Find wireless product information and other resources here.
Shop for Products with Intel® Wireless-AC
Informasi Produk dan Performa
802.11ac 2x2 160 MHz memungkinkan laju data teoretis maksimum 1733 Mbps, 2X lebih cepat daripada 802.11ac 2x2 80 MHz (867 Mbps) standar dan nyaris 12x lebih cepat daripada Wi-Fi 1x1 BGN (150 Mbps) baseline seperti yang didokumentasikan dalam spesifikasi standar nirkabel IEEE 802.11, dan memerlukan penggunaan perute jaringan nirkabel 802.11ac yang dikonfigurasikan serupa atau yang lebih baik. Untuk mendapatkan kecepatan nirkabel Gigabit, jaringan memerlukan perute/titik akses nirkabel yang mendukung saluran 160 MHz.
Perkiraan waktu unduhan Wi-Fi adalah penghitungan berdasarkan asumsi kecepatan terbaik klien tunggal yang sebenarnya dari sekitar 70% kecepatan data maksimum teoretis spesifikasi IEEE 802.11 yang diperhitungkan untuk tambahan jaringan. Performa sebenarnya mungkin berbeda-beda tergantung desain sistem, konfigurasi jaringan, dan lingkungan nirkabel. Penghitungan unduhan film HD berdasarkan laju data maksimum teoretis HD 802.11 BGN 40 MHz 150 Mbps serta throughput maksimum yang diharapkan sebesar 105 Mbps menghasilkan waktu unduhan film 8 GB selama 10:54 detik dan laju data maksimum teoretis 802.11AC 160 Mhz 1733 Mbps serta throughput maksimum yang diharapkan 1213 Mbps menghasilkan waktu unduhan film 8 GB selama 57 detik.
Fitur dan keunggulan teknologi Intel® bergantung pada konfigurasi sistem dan mungkin memerlukan perangkat keras yang didukung, perangkat lunak, atau aktivasi layanan. Performa beragam tergantung pada konfigurasi sistem. Tidak ada produk atau komponen yang bisa sepenuhnya aman. Hubungi produsen maupun peritel sistem Anda, atau pelajari selengkapnya di
Hasil benchmark diperoleh sebelum penerapan patch perangkat lunak terbaru dan pembaruan firmware yang ditujukan untuk mengatasi eksploitasi yang disebut sebagai "Spectre" dan "Meltdown". Penerapan pembaruan ini mungkin menyebabkan hasil ini tidak berlaku pada perangkat atau sistem Anda.
Performa bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, konfigurasi, dan faktor lainnya. Pelajari lebih lanjut di
Klaim Intel® Wireless-AC yang hampir “3x/6x lebih cepat” berdasarkan pada perbandingan laju data teoretis maksimum untuk solusi Wi-Fi 802.11ac streaming spasial tunggal (433 Mbps) dan ganda (867 Mbps) vs. 802.11n streaming spasial tunggal (150 Mbps) sebagaimana didokumentasikan dalam spesifikasi standar nirkabel IEEE 802.11, dan mensyaratkan penggunaan router jaringan nirkabel 802.11ac yang dikonfigurasi secara serupa atau lebih baik. Menguji performa komponen dokumen pada pengujian tertentu, dalam sistem yang spesifik. Setiap perbedaan pada perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, atau konfigurasi akan memengaruhi performa sebenarnya. Baca sumber informasi lainnya untuk mengevaluasi performa saat mempertimbangkan pembelian Anda. Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap tentang hasil uji kinerja dan benchmark, kunjungi