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Paket Dukungan Board Prosesor Intel Atom® E3900, Prosesor Intel Celeron® N3350, dan Prosesor Intel Pentium® N4200 untuk Yocto Project* dengan Intel®® System Studio

Intel® Unified 3D Library for Intel Atom® Processor E3900 Series, Intel® Celeron® Processor N3350, and Intel® Pentium® Processor N4200 for Yocto Project*

Audio Firmware and User Guide for the Intel Atom® Processor E3900 Series, Intel® Celeron® Processor N3350, and Intel® Pentium® Processor N4200 on Yocto Project*

Alat utilitas solusi sensor terintegrasi Intel untuk prosesor Intel Atom® seri E3900, prosesor Intel Celeron® N3350, dan prosesor Intel®® Pentium® N4200 untuk proyek Yocto*

Yocto Project* Meta Layer for Intel® Media SDK 2017