Get a Better Return on Your Google Cloud Investment by Selecting New N2 VM Instances Featuring 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
For companies that use the cloud to host their WordPress websites, it’s important to select the best instance for the task at hand. To support more web traffic and provide a better experience for your customers and internal users who rely on being able to consistently access your company’s websites, select a new Google Cloud N2 instance type enabled by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
In WordPress tests comparing three sizes of Google Cloud VM instances, new N2 VM instances enabled by 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors delivered up to 1.42x the number of requests per second of older N1 VM instances.
For your website hosting needs, choose a new N2 instance enabled by 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
Figure 1. Test results comparing the WordPress performance of the 16-vCPU N2 Standard VM instance type to the 16-vCPU N1 Standard VM instance type.
Better Performance Can Reduce the Number of VM Instances You Need
If you’ve decided to host your WordPress websites on Google Cloud N-series instances, you can get better performance by selecting new N2 instances enabled by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors rather than older N1 instances.
As Figure 1 on the previous page shows, in tests comparing the WordPress performance of VM instances with 16 vCPUs Google Cloud N2 VM instances enabled by Intel Xeon Scalable processors completed 1.42x as many requests per second as an N1 instance using older processors.
Figure 2. Relative WordPress performance of the 8-vCPU N2 Standard VM instance type and the 8-vCPU N1 Standard VM instance type.
Testing showed similar wins with smaller instances. As Figure 2 above shows, a Google Cloud 8-vCPU N2 VM instance enabled by Intel Xeon Scalable processors completed 1.30x as many requests per second as an N1 instance using older processors.
Figure 3. Relative WordPress performance of the 4-vCPU N2 Standard VM instance type and the 4-vCPU N1 Standard VM instance type.
As Figure 3 above shows, a Google Cloud 4-vCPU N2 VM instance enabled by Intel Xeon Scalable processors completed 1.36x as many requests per second as an N1 instance using older processors.
Regardless of the size instances your WordPress site requires, choosing new N2 VM instances enabled by Intel Xeon Scalable processors would allow you to process more requests per second and deliver a better experience to your customers and internal users.
Learn More
To begin running your websites on Google Cloud Platform N2 VM instances with 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, visit
For more test details, visit